Friday, March 29, 2013

How to Write an Expository Essay

Many of the students that I tutor come into the office with a prompt asking them to write an expository essay and the first question they ask is "what does expository mean?" When someone is told to write an argumentative or critique essay, he/she normally understands what is being asked of them but the word expository is one that many are not familiar with.
Expository means to explain.
(Photo/Jordan Heiliger)

Instead of using your opinion like you would in a critique essay, in an expository essay you want to use facts to explain what ever you are discussing in your paper.

The easy thing about an expository essay is the fact that it is formatted just like any other essay that you will write; introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Example Prompt

*Write an expository essay in which you discuss ideology in a Disney film. 

Start by figuring out a definition of ideology (in your own words) and deciding which Disney film you would like to talk about.
  • Even if you are dealing with a different prompt, you are likely to want to begin in a similar way. It is important to define words and terminology that would not be considered "common knowledge" to your audience. It is really important to make sure that you have all of this figured out before you start writing your essay in order to ensure that you have the information that you need to write a solid paper.
Next, construct a thesis statement that does not take a stance or is based on opinion but instead focuses on the facts.
Example: The article "____" written by ____ focuses on the ideologies of gender roles in the Disney movie ______.

  • Know what you want to talk about so that you can be specific in your thesis statement.
Now, construct your body paragraphs based on the information that you have gathered and nothing else. Feel free to compare and contrast, define, and give examples to get your point across but try not to use your opinion.

Good luck!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Secret to Taking Great Notes

Are you one of those people who feel as though you do not need to take notes because you remember everything that you read? Do you feel as though taking notes takes up way too much time and you hardly have the time to read the assigned material? I have been in both of those mindsets because I used to HATE taking notes. After being in college for a few years, however, I have learned that taking notes is probably the greatest way to make sure that you remember things from class. So, lets get started!

Taking notes is a good idea because:
  • Notes make a text more understandable
    • If you can summarize the text into notes that are understandable to you then it shows that you are comprehending the text.
  • Notes remind you of the main concepts of the material
    • By writing down the main idea of the text that you are reading, you are ensuring that you will not forget what was discussed. This will ultimately make it easier for you to write a paper or do an assignment because, instead of re-reading the text to find the main points, you will have only a few pages of notes to look through.
  • Notes help you keep all of the concepts organized 
    • By writing out all of the concepts on a separate sheet of paper, you will be able to organize them in a way that makes sense to you and for the assignment that you may be trying to complete. This will make it so that you do not have to take extra time to dig through the text that you are using.
  • Imagine the amount of time you will be saving if you have multiple sources to go through in order to write an essay. If you go through each source and take notes then you won't have to read them over again if you don't remember which source had which information. 
My Secrets to taking good notes:
  • Find a style that works for you
    • Some people like to abbreviate all of their words in order to make the process go faster, but I prefer to write my words out.
  • Every time you come across something of importance, take the time to write it down.
  • Write down things that you don't understand if you do not have time to look them up right away. This will ensure that you remember to look it up or ask about it later.
  • Draw pictures!
    • I have found that when I draw pictures next to concepts (concept maps or little doodles) I am more likely to remember them.
  • Try to connect the facts together with arrows
    • This can help with organizing the ideas in your mind so that it will make more sense. It will also give you a head start if you are writing an essay.

Some notes that I have taken in my Introduction to Langauge course.
(Photo/Jordan Heiliger)

Hopefully these tips will help you out, I know they have worked for the students that I tutor! Keep in mind that you might find note taking tedious at times if you are not used to it but in the long run, you will thank yourself with the amount of time you save. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

5 Tips for Making an Argumentative Essay Worth Reading

It's one thing to sit and argue with a friend on specific topics but it's another to put those ideas and points of view into academic language in a way that gets a reader to see your side without making them upset. When you are talking to somebody in person, it is easier to explain yourself because you have facial expressions and body language to help in portraying the importance or seriousness your standpoint. Writing, on the other hand, takes more effort in the sense that you have to pick the exact words that you want in order to make sure that the audience is not taking on a different meaning, because that could ruin your argument.... but we'll get to that.

Do not be afraid to use books to support your claims.

Lets talk about some basic things to keep in mind while writing your argumentative essay!

1. Pick a topic of interest: The biggest problem that I see when a student comes in to ask about this type of assignment is when they cannot seem to come up with anything to say on a topic. IF IT DOES NOT INTEREST YOU- DO NOT CHOOSE IT. The worst thing that a student can do is pick something to argue about that he/she does not agree with or is not passionate about. The more passionate you are about a subject, the easier it will be to write about it.
If you are assigned a topic to write about and it is not appealing to you, I would advise you to argue the side that you have more information on. This idea may go against how you really feel about the subject but in the long run it will be easier to write about. Make a list of the pros and cons of the debate and use that to make your decision.

2. Research the topic: Make sure that you are looking up information about the debate topic. It is important to look up BOTH SIDES of the argument in order to ensure that you are not making ignorant or untrue statements that will take away from your argument.

3. Address both sides: One of the hardest concepts for students to wrap their minds around is that idea that it is okay to address both sides of the argument in their paper. Please do! It is a good thing!
      A. Begin the paper by introducing your topic, staying as neutral as possible
      B. Your thesis statement will be about your stance on the subject
      C. Support the thesis with the evidence that you gathered through your research
      D. Conceit to the other point- basically state that the other side has some good points too but your side is still better for all of the reasons that you listed. This is a CRUCIAL part of an argument essay because it shows the audience that you considered both sides but you still feel strongly about the stance that you took. This will strengthen any argument that you make.
      E. Conclude your essay by summarizing why your stance is the right stance.

4. Stay away from emotional language: You want the audience to take your stance but it is important to remain profession and only use facts to support your claims.

5. Cite your sources: You should be doing this for every paper that you write but it is important to make sure that you are citing the evidence that you find that backs up your point so that the audience can look it up if they want to see it for themselves.

I  hope these tips are helpful for those struggling with the argumentative essay... It's a tough one but if you keep these ideas in mind and are passionate about what you are discussing then you shouldn't have a problem!